Ultimate Walking Song

This morning, walking through the streets of Toronto with my favourite headphones on, I realized what my ultimate walking song is. (This is a super important realization.) The song is September by Earth Wind and Fire. Not only is it fabulous in every way, it’s also the perfect pace for big long strides that sit just behind the beat. It makes me walk all groovy: not too fast so I can still enjoy the view, and with a bit of back end swagger. I suddenly feel like I’m going somewhere really important, and the world better watch out!

This is useful for timely jaunts to the grocery store. (Singing loudly will also clear a sidewalk I’ve discovered.) It’s also a useful metaphor for moving through this living that we’re all in the midst of. Big long strides might push you forward, but groove connects you to the earth. In my experience, these two forces are best served together…it’s when the good stuff happens.

At the moment, I’m walking toward the release of a new CD with my long time friend and brilliant pianist Bill Brennan. Trying to keep all of this in mind as we get closer to the drop date, because I know it will help me enjoy the view. I’ve got this feeling we’re going somewhere really important, and the world better watch out!

Thanks for stopping by.